Meditation Through Movement
Tulayoga is not a Doing but an Undoing, Tulayoga is a journey inwards, towards you axis; a return through sensation into union with your body and the present moment.
It comes from the Sanskrit language and is a combination of the words "balance" and "union".
It is received in a safe and quiet space and it brings together complementary aspects of understanding and practice from YOGA, ACROBATICS, and MEDITATION. Each posture has a specific action on the body.
Tulayoga is practiced using balance, momentum, and grace rather than force and strength.
While the receiver is supported and balanced in the air, the gentle and constant pull of gravity effortlessly opens, elongates, and aligns the body. While the body opens, becoming more relaxed, balanced, and aligned the mind is dropping into a progressively deeper conscious awareness until both the practitioner and receiver enter instate of meditative stillness.
Tulayoga is designed by Louka Leppard

You don’t need to be young or flexible to receive Tulayoga.
Each posture adjusts to your particular body type and flexibility, respecting any personal limitations without forcing, encouraging a pleasurable and natural release. Many of the postures are inverted but there is no uncomfortable sensation of blood pressure in the head due to the specific positioning of the practitioner’s hands and feet and the gentle restriction of the femoral veins and arteries.
Floating with closed eyes, without external reference, being held, balanced, and moved through space, you come into contact, and progressively deeper connection, with sensations and feelings at the core of your body.
The entire treatment lasts 2hs 30min. Begins with 90min of Tulamassage followed by 30min of floating in the air and time to gently come back to reality before leaving.

Release of accumulated tension from the pelvis, lumbar region, psoas, abdomen, diaphragm, chest, shoulders, neck, and face.
Elongation of the vertebral column and decompression of the intervertebral discs increasing general mobility and encouraging a gentle and natural alignment.
Regulation of digestive system and menstrual cycle.
Increase of breathing capacity, blood circulation, and lymphatic flow.
Harmonization of the endocrine system; sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous systems are soothed and balanced.
Overall the body and posture become more relaxed, balanced, and aligned.
Progressive & deeper conscious awareness.
State of meditative stillness.
Clear and immediate reduction of depression & stress.
Release of emotional blockages and repressed trauma.
Increase in one’s ability to trust and surrender.
“Martin’s work is beyond brilliant.
Hard to even describe what he does. I guess you only meet a few genuine healers in your life and he is definitely one of those."
“My session with Martin went way beyond my physical, universal matter. He takes you on a journey of pure, higher consciousness and connectivity.
“When the session with Martin ended I told him that it feels like ending a journey.
For a moment there the outside world ceased to exist"